During your treatment, you’ll likely encounter a number of healthcare providers and others who have specialized knowledge about your care.
Sometimes known as an internist, a general practitioner, or the family doctor, your primary care physician may be the initial point of contact in your care. They may refer you to other specialists.
An oncologist is a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating cancers with medicines, including chemotherapy, cancer immunotherapy, and other therapies. They manage cancer treatment and coordinate with the entire treatment team.
A surgeon is responsible for determining that a patient will need surgery, performing the operation, and for providing care and treatment after the procedure.
These healthcare providers have degrees and training in medical fields. Both help treat illnesses, provide patient education, and prescribe medications, often playing a key role in your care.
These nurses work to prepare and administer infused medications.
Navigators provide guidance through the healthcare system and help with issues or challenges that can arise. They may assist in coordinating care with other healthcare team members, along with financial support options, transportation, and even childcare.
A home health aide is a licensed professional who assists people at home with their personal care, including bathing, dressing, and other activities of daily living. This person may also assist with cooking and other household chores.
A nutritionist helps people manage their eating and hydration needs related to cancer and its treatment.
These healthcare professionals can help people learn to cope more effectively with life issues related to cancer.
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